We listen to the first movement of Mozarts 40th Symphony as an example of music in sonata style or sonata form. There are two performances in the playlist.

NB Study the page about sonata form.

General terminology

Key (major an minor, triad based music )

Tonal functions (Tonic, Dominant, Subdominant)

Main triads and secondary triads 

Names of degrees: 

  • I: tonic
  • II: supertonic
  • III: mediant
  • IV: subdominant
  • V: dominant
  • VI: submediant
  • VII: leading tone

Coding of harmony

  • roman numerals for triads degrees (chords, scale tones, root position and inversion)
  • chord symbols 
  • continuo-notation (thorough bass)

Handout Aebersold

Handout main triads and secondary triads 

Handout cadence types