
Treat a chord like an object you can observe from different viewpoints.

The patterns in the images below (again without clef and accidentals) are to be applied to all regular seventh chords, with inversions (root-position, 65-, -43, -2).

Exercise: Sing/play the patterns from the examples below until you can do this fluently, for all regular seventh chords. (Singers: If you choose not to use an instrument to demonstrate you ability, you'll have to sing the note names as well...).

Seventh chord pattern 1

Combinations & Permutations

You can also exercises with so called "combinations/permutations"; in this case you put the notes of the chord in all kind of  orders.

Below a number of examples is given.

Exercise: SIng/play until you have achieved fluency with all regular seventh chords. Singers: If you choose not to use an instrument to demonstrate you ability, you'll have to sing the note names as well...).

 Seventh chord pattern2