Modal counterpoint project second semester

Working towards a little concert program with motets and instrumental (organ) pieces around:

The holy week

  • maundy thursday (last supper and the start of the eucharist)
  • good friday (crucifxion)
  • holy saturday (Jesus descends in the realm of the dead to preach the gospel)
  • easter sunday (the resurrection)


  • ascension day
  • pentecost

Your task:

Choose a (short) text from the new testament in Latin (the vulgate)

Think about the planning and design of your work, such as:

  • Number of parts/voices
  • The mode(s)/colour(s) you are going to choose
  • The tactus and it's subdivisions (prolatio) maybe changing dure the piece?
  • Your starting point: c.f.-based? If so, c.f. in long notes?, or motives coming from c.f. ?
  • The texture: will there be homophony? If so, how, where and with which part of the text? Voice pairs?
  • Cadential formulas?
  • Contrapuntal approach: imitative? canon techniques?
  • Which parts of the text invite you to do some word painting?

Sources to use: (with english translation) (Graduale Romanum and Graduale Triplex) (gregorian chant following the liturgical year)